2015 Papers Committee weekend – who will be presenting at LCAuckland?
This is the long-anticipated Papers Committee weekend and Steven (Ellis) is now en route to Sydney to join our revered Papers Committee for a fun-packed weekend deciding which of the many submitted presentations to choose from for our conference next year.
It’s a very important job, crucial, even! I don’t envy them, trying to foresee what is going to be at the top of everyone’s must-see list, predicting what will be trending in 6 month’s time, and what will have died a sad, lonely death or sputtered out after a brief burst of glory in the meantime.
Then there’s the programme… Who fits together? Who shouldn’t be opposite whom? And on it goes. It will be hard work! After speaking with the Chairs of the committee (Michael Davies and Michael Still) we’ve learned that this is traditionally a passionately fought process with each and every person focussed intently on ensuring that our delegates have access to the best presentations currently and soon-to-be available.
“The Michaels” know the conference and its audience and the rest of the committee is made up of past organisers, some FOSS celebrities and past presenters – most of whom have done this job many times now. Steve has been sent with some strict instructions about the presentations our team wants to see and the format of the conference itself that has some new, exciting ideas.
To those in the Papers Committee gathering together this weekend to make these important decisions – we wish you all a safe journey there and back again, and we say Stand Your Ground! To those of you who have submitted a presentation we say “Good Luck – you are all wonderful in our eyes!
All the best
The LCA 2015 team