Cherie Ellis
I have been creating events within the Open Source IT community since 2012 and whether it’s a small bunch of hard-core developers or a greater, diverse group of people with similar interests, I enjoy creating the space for them to share their knowledge and passions.
Planning, organising, making things happen and getting results. I am good at these, and I enjoy working within or leading a team to achieve the best outcomes.
I developed the taste for event organising when I jumped headlong into running the Open Source Developers Conference in 2013. I loved all of the aspects of the job. Talking to potential sponsors, finding an appropriate venue for the event and the formal dinner (The Langham, Eden Park) then threading all of the aspects of it together was great. The feedback from my delegates really made it worthwhile: the biggest compliment was one couple who told me later that once they found out I was the Chair for LCA (Linux Conference) in 2015 they booked their tickets straight away with confidence that I would run a great conference.
LCA 2015 in Auckland was a week at the OGGB building of Auckland Uni with social events at the Floating Pavilion, Sweat Shop and MOTAT. As chair I managed a dedicated and capable group of volunteers and it was a resounding success for everyone involved.
I then went straight into bringing GovHack into NZ in 2015. Finding and managing volunteer event hosts, sponsors and attendees around the country brought it’s own lessons, ones I utilised through into the 2nd year of the event, and I have now passed on to someone else for a fresh perspective while I stayed on as treasurer.
None of these events had been held in Auckland before, OSDC and GovHack had not appeared in NZ at all.
I MC’d all of my events and can quite confidently take the microphone when needed.
My working career has encompassed many different industries, from data management and analysis, through business management and including a part-time career in NZ’s Reserve Navy, and over the years I have learned some very valuable life lessons that I am always happy to leverage.
I am finding that what I enjoy most is a Community Leadership role – being able to translate between geek speak and regular talk is one of my very useful skills.
Currently, my team management and training skills are being thoroughly stretched in my role as a Girl Guides Leader – a rewarding and very interesting pastime!