Well it looks like myPVR and OpenMedia are making news all over the world thanks to our recent appearance on the well known IT news website Slashdot. Hopefully we have managed to answer most of the questions raised in the very interesting feedback that was generated. Another IT resource Digg also covered our launch this week.
HDBeat gave a reasonable write up to myPVR. They pick-up on the way we are using Linux and MythTV to differentiate from the alternative Windows based solutions. Shame they didn’t mention the price is in New Zealand Dollars rather than US Dollars.
One question we have regularly been asked is how does myPVR compare with commercial products like Windows MCE. A recent article called “Windows Media Center vs. MythTV (or Making my own PVR)” might be of interest. MythTV came out as a better product than Microsoft’s alternative.
We’d like to take this moment to thank our web hosting company OpenHost for doing such a good job of dealing with the huge spike in traffic that was generated by this coverage.