What’s in a name?
Filed under: Conferences, lca2015, OpenMedia News, Uncategorized on Thursday, August 28th, 2014 by cherieLCA 2015, LCAuckland, linux.conf.au, linux conference, #linuxconfau – it’s only a name, isn’t it?
- Josh Stewart and Josh Hesketh from Linux Australia visited Auckland as part of the city selection process
- Michael Still and Mike Beattie took part of the Ghost weekend
- Michael Still and Michael Davies were our joint Paper Committee chairs
- Steven Ellis and Steve Shipway, Simon Lyall and Simon Werner, Lin Nah and Lynne Collins are in my team
- Andrew Ruthven and Andrew Sands are in the wider team
- our contacts at the University of Auckland are both called Kate.
Then there are the delegates; just within the people who have registered on the website so far we have multiples of Adam, Andrew, Andy, Angus, Ben, Brandon, Brenda, Brian, Chris, Christopher, Dan, Daniel, Dave, David, Eric, Ian, James, Joel, John, Jonathan, Joshua, Katie, Kevin, Lillian, Luke, Marc, Mark, Martin, Matthew, Michael, Mike, Paul, Peter, Richard, Robert, Ryan, Simon, Steve, Steven, Thomas, Tim, Timothy and Tom.
I can’t even go military and call you all by your last names as we have multiples of Bell, Davies, Ellis, Foster, Gilmore, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Nah, Olliver, Rowe, Rumsey, Russell, Sharp, Smith, Suehle, Taylor, and Walker.
I ask you – how am I supposed to work in these conditions?
Cherie (the one and only)