OpenMedia are very pleased to announce that its market leading myPVR Personal Digital Video Recorder now comes with a built-in web browser based virtual remote control.
Customers who would otherwise be unable to use a standard remote control unit to perform operations such as setting TV recordings and playback, changing TV channels and watching their favourite TV show can now achieve these things simply and easily. These customers can now use a standard web browser on their own home computer to control their myPVR.
OpenMedia believe that this innovation is a world first, and confirmation of the ability of the Open Source software development community to respond rapidly and effectively to end user’s needs. In particular OpenMedia would like to thank one of their customers – Thane Pullan a young man from Christchurch with Cerebral Palsy, whose particular needs prompted the development. He said:
“The virtual remote has enabled me to access aspects of a recording device that I have never been able to before. I am a technology junkie with five other devices; myPVR is by far the easiest to use. I am very pleased with the outcome of my purchase and I continue to be impressed with their ongoing support.”
This development is expected to be of practical benefit as an accessibility solution to people around the world.
The work has been released to the Open Source community under the Gnu Public License, and as an optional add-on to MythTV which forms the foundation of myPVR. OpenMedia would like to acknowledge the Open Source community for its timely help in providing solutions to components of the final product.
Specialised adaptations to the accessibility aspects of computers have enabled handicapped people to enjoy access to modern information processing and entertainment technology comparable to that offered to the general public.
Handicapped users of the myPVR Personal Video Recorder are now able to use their computer, as tailored to their own requirements, to tune into TV programs, record and play back programs, DVDs and CDs, and manage their library of videos and music.
For a demo of the Virtual Remote Control please click through for the standard version or the alternative wide layout.
Traditional Remote Control |
Web Virtual Remote |